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Our  document templates are designed to assist you to action your position as the agent for the beneficiary who lives in the private. A fictional entity cannot communicate directly with a ​Corporation, Trustee or Person.

Our professional letters are easy edit templates for use as a rebuttal to the senders fraudulent notices, letters or demands.


When your FICTIONAL NAME has been summoned to appear in a non-judicial administrative setting, print out the necessary documents and sign them in the presence of a Justice of the Peace (JP). Afterwards, file these documents with the court at least seven days before your Mention or Hearing date. To enrol in our study course, click the link below.

Notice of Special Appearance

by Affidavit



Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.

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Learn more about the most common elements of life in the private and the documents involved. 

 Natural Justice. The highest-ranking registry is ecclesiastic. The next highest registry is a Royal Registry. 

This link will take you to the four step process and auto doc generator.

Notice of Special Appearance by Affidavit. Use this letter if the GovCorp is still persisting with pushback 

Be ready to take the step of making a statement of claim, tort suit, civil claim for damages under trespass common law in the supreme court. 

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